The recent observations of the purely leptonic decay Ds+→μ+νμ and τ+ντ at CLEO-c and B factory may allow a possible contribution from a charged Higgs boson. One such measurement of the decay constant fD. differs from the most precise unquenched lattice QCD calculation by a level of 4 σ. Meanwhile, the measured ratio, BR(Ds+→μ+νμ)/BR(D+→μ+νμ), is larger than the standard model prediction at a 2.0σ level. We discuss that the precise measurement of the ratio BR(Ds+→μ+νμ)/BR(D+→μ+νμ) at BES-Ⅲ will shed light on the presence of new intermediate particles by comparing the data with the theoretical predictions, especially, the predictions of high precise unquenched lattice QCD calculations.
Recently, both BaBar and Belle experiments found evidences of neutral D mixing. In this paper, we discuss the sensitivities of the measurements of D mixing parameters at BES-Ⅲ. With CP tag technique at ψ(3770) peak, the extraction of the strong phase difference in D^0 → Kπ decay at BES-Ⅲ are discussed. We also make an estimate on the measurements of the mixing rate RM by using the coherent data at ψ(3770) peak. The CP violation in D system is predicted with an unobserved level in the Standard Model. Any significant CP violation in the D system indicates the existence of new physics. The sensitivity of the measurements of CP violation in the D system is estimated in the coherent D decays. Finally, the search for the rare D decays are discussed, in which some of the forbidden decays are smoking gun of new physics.
We study the branching ratios of D^+ → D^0e^+ν, Ds^+ → D^0e^+ν, Bs^0→B^+e^-^-ν, Ds^+→D^+e^-e^+ and Bs^0→B^0e^-e^+ rare semileptonic decay processes, which are induced by decays of light quarks, the heavy quarks remain unchanged. The branching ratios of these decay processes are estimated in the heavy quark limit and with SU(3) flavor symmetry. We find that the decay rates are very tiny in the framework of the Standard Model. We also estimate the sensitivities of the measurements of these rare decays at the future experiments, such as BES-Ⅲ, super-B and LHC-b. Observations of these decays may shed some light on new physics beyond the standard model.
Decays of both η and η' provide very useful information in our understanding of low-energy QCD, and experimental signatures for these decays would be extremely helpful at BES-III. The rare decays of the η and η' mesons could serve as a low-energy test of the Standard Model and its beyond. The sensitivities of the measurements of η and η' decays are discussed at BES-III, in which the η and η' mesons are produced in the ψ decays.