The chromosome 17q21.31 inversion is a 900-kb common structural polymorphism found primarily in European population. Although the genetic flux within inversion region was assumed to be considerable suppressed, it is still unclear about the details of genetic exchange between the H1 (non-inverted sequence) and H2 (inverted sequence) haplotypes of this inversion. Here we describe a refmed map of genetic exchanges between pairs of gene arrangements within the 17q21.31 region. Using HapMap phase II data of 1,546 single nucleotide polymorphisms, we successfully deduced 96 H1 and 24 H2 haplotypes in European samples by neighbor-joining tree reconstruction. Furthermore, we identified 15 and 26 candidate tracts with reciprocal and non-reciprocal genetic exchanges, respectively. In all 15 regions harboring reciprocal exchange, haplotypes reconstructed by clone sequencing did not support these exchange events, suggesting that such signals of exchange between two sister chromosomes in certain heterozygous individual were caused by phasing error regions. On the other hand, the finished clone sequencing across 4 of 26 tracts with non-reciprocal genetic flux confirmed that this kind of genetic exchange was caused by gene conversion. In summary, as crossover between pairs of gene arrangements had been considerably suppressed, gene conversion might be the most important mechanism for genetic exchange at 17q21.31.
Humans have been exposed to many environmental challenges since their evolutionary origins in Africa and subsequent migrations to the rest of the world. A severe environmental challenge to human migrants was hypoxia caused by low barometric oxygen pressure at high altitudes. Several genome-wide scans have elucidated the genetic basis of human high-altitude adaptations.However, the dearth of functional variant information has led to the successful association of only a few candidate genes. In the present study, we employed a candidate gene approach and re-sequenced the EDAR locus in 45 Tibetan individuals to identify mutations involved in hypoxia adaptation. We identified 10 and five quantitative trait-associated mutations for oxygen saturation (SaO_2) and blood platelet count, respectively, at the EDAR locus. Among these, rs10865026 and rs3749110 (associated with SaO_2 and platelet count, respectively) were identified as functional candidate targets. These data demonstrate that EDAR has undergone natural selection in recent human history and indicate an important role of EDAR variants in Tibetan high-altitude adaptations.