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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Catalytic Oxidative Desulfurization of Gasoline Using Vanadium(V)-substituted Polyoxometalate/H_2O_2/Ionic Liquid Emulsion System被引量:2
Aiming at deep desulfurization of gasoline,three amphiphilic catalysts [C18H37N(CH3)3]3+x [PMo12-xVxO40](x=1,2,or 3) were prepared and characterized.The amphiphilic vanadium(V)-substituted polyoxometalates were dissolved in water-immiscible ionic liquid([Bmim]PF6),forming a H2O2-in-[Bmim]PF6 emulsion desulfurization system with 30 m% H2O2 serving as the oxidant.The catalytic oxidation of sulfur-containing model oil has been studied in detail under various reaction conditions using this system.The ionic liquid emulsion system showed high catalytic oxidative activity in the treatment of commodity gasoline.Furthermore,the mechanism of catalytic oxidative desulfurization was also elaborated.
Ge JianhuaZhou YumingYang YongXue Mengwei
Preparation and application of a phosphorous free and non- nitrogen scale inhibitor in industrial cooling water systems被引量:3
A novel environmentally friendly type of calcium carbonate, zinc (Ⅱ) and iron (Ⅲ) scale inhibitor Acrylic acidallylpolyethoxy carboxylate copolymer (AA- APEL) was synthesized. The anti-scale property of the AA-APEL toward CaCO3, zinc (Ⅱ) and iron (Ⅲ) in the artificial cooling water was studied through static scale inhibition tests. The observation shows that both calcium carbonate, zinc (Ⅱ) and iron (Ⅲ) inhibition increase with increasing the dosage of AA-APEL. The effect on formation of CaCO3 was investigated with combination of scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis and fourier transform infrared spectrometer, respectively. The results showed that the AA-APEL copolymer not only influenced calcium carbonate crystal morphology and crystal size but also the crystallinity. The crystallization of CaCO3 in the absence of inhibitor was rhombohedral calcite crystal, whereas a mixture of calcite with vaterite crystals was found in the presence of the AA- APEL copolymer. Inhibition mechanism is proposed that the interactions between calcium or iron ions and polyethylene glycol (PEG) are the fundamental impetus to restrain the formation of the scale in cooling water systems.
Guangqing LIUMengwei XUEJingyi HUANGHuchuan WANGYuming ZHOUQingzhao YAOLei LINGKe CAOYahui LIUYunyun BUYiyi CHENWendao WUWei SUN
Alkylation of o-Xylene with Styrene over Modified Mordenite for Environmentally Friendly Synthesis of PXE
Effects of hydrochloride acid dealumination of mordenite(MOR) catalysts for the synthesis of 1-phenyl-1-xylyl ethane(PXE) were investigated. The structure and acidity of catalysts were characterized by XRD, BET, XRF, FT-IR, 27Al NMR and NH3-TPD techniques. The catalytic performance of the acid-treated MOR zeolites was studied through using the alkylation of o-xylene with styrene. The test results showed that the strength of remaining Br?nsted acid sites increased despite the reduction of total number of acid sites after dealumination, and the micropores of HMOR were slightly enlarged coupled with the formation of secondary mesopores. Additionally, the modified HMOR zeolites showed longer catalyst life with the styrene conversion rate retained. Among the catalysts employed in this study, the modified mordenite that was dealuminated by HCl(2 mol/L) could be used repeatedly without significant loss of activity and selectivity during six catalytic runs, which have been ascribed to its specific acidity and structural properties.
Kong JieSheng XiaoliZhou YumingZhou ShijianZhang Zewu
油品中有机含硫化物经高温燃烧后产生的硫氧化物,不仅对汽车发动机具有腐蚀作用,而且排入空气中会造成严重的环境问题。首先,制备了疏水性离子液体1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑六氟磷酸盐([Bmim]PF6)和双亲型催化剂[(CH3)3NC16H33]4W10O32,采用红外光谱(FT-IR),紫外-可见光谱(UV-Vis)和TG-DSC热分析等方法对它们结构进行了相应的表征;研究了H2O2为氧化剂、[(CH3)3NC16H33]4W10O32和[Bmim]PF6构建的离子液体乳液体系催化氧化模拟油中二苯并噻吩(DBT)的反应活性;实验结果表明,随H2O2和催化剂用量的增加、反应温度的升高和反应时间的延长,DBT脱除率单调增加;离子液体乳液脱硫体系最佳反应条件为:以[(CH3)3NC16H33]4W10O32为催化剂,模拟油用量5 mL、离子液体[Bmim]PF6用量为1 mL、反应温度T = 70℃、反应时间t = 3.0 h、n(催化剂):n(DBT) = 1:10和n(H2O2):n(DBT) = 2时,DBT脱除率可达98.7%,其脱硫效果好于仅用离子液体萃取脱硫体系和乳液催化氧化脱硫体系的脱硫效果。最后,对离子液体乳液催化氧化脱硫体系的脱硫机理进行了探讨。
Synthesis of MgO-Al_2O_3/ZSM-5 by Solid State Reaction for Propane Dehydrogenation被引量:2
Solid-state grinding is a simple and effective method to introduce guest species into the channels of microporous materials through filling.The structure and the surface acidity of the materials were obtained from BET isotherms and NH3-TPD,respectively.XRD,UV-vis,UV diffuse-reflectance,and TEM were used to characterize the phases,and the morphology,respectively.The clustered layers of MgO-Al2O3phases were formed in the internal pore surface and were highly dispersed inside the channels of the ZSM-5 host.So the volume of MgO-Al2O3/ZSM-5 composite was larger than the ZSM-5 zeolite itself and some mesoporous channels appeared when Mg/Al species entered the channels.Meanwhile,new acid sites emerged in MgO-Al2O3/ZSM-5 composite and the acid amount of the sample changed.The improved Pt dispersion and the increased acid content would cause the increase of propane conversion and the modification of selectivity during the reaction.
Zhou ShijianZhouYumingSheng XiaoliZhangYiweiZhang ZewuShi JunjunKong Jie
Effect of Impregnation Sequence on Propane Dehydrogenation Performance of PtSnNa/ZSM-5 Catalyst被引量:1
The effects of the sequence for impregnation of metal precursors on the performance of PtSnNa/ZSM-5 catalyst for propane dehydrogenation to propene were studied in this paper.Some methods such as XRD,TPDA,BET,H2-TPR,XPS,ICP,TEM and hydrogen chemisorption were used to characterize the catalysts.The structure of ZSM-5 zeolite was not destroyed by the introduction of metal components.Meanwhile the different impregnation sequence of metal precursors could affect the behavior of Sn4+species entering the ZSM-5 channel,and the interaction between platinum and tin species,as well as the degree for reduction of Pt and Sn components.As a result,the prepared catalysts exhibited different reaction activity and selectivity.Compared with the co-impregnation treated catalyst,the catalysts prepared by the sequential impregnation method showed better catalytic activity in propane dehydrogenation,especially the one prepared through impregnation with tin precursor at first.Finally,a model for the effect of impregnation sequence on the distribution of Pt and Sn species in PtSnNa/ZSM-5 catalyst was proposed.
Liu HuiZhou YumingZhang YiweiSheng XiaoliZhang ZewuZhou Shijiang
Synthesis and application of an environmentally friendly antiscalant in industrial cooling systems
Allylpolyethoxy carboxylate macromonomers possessing polyethylene oxygen long chains were synthesized by advanced technology of the polyether cap.A novel double-hydrophilic block copolymer was prepared through free radical polymeric reactions in aqueous solution and its performance on CaCO3 inhibition and dispersancy activity towards Fe2 O3 was evaluated in recirculating cooling water systems.The study shows that acrylic acid-allylpolyethoxy carboxylate has a significant ability to inhibit the precipitation of calcium carbonate and an excellent dispersing capability to stabilize iron Ⅲ in industrial cooling systems. X-ray diffraction shows that there is a number of vaterite crystals in the presence of the phosphorous free and non-nitrogen copolymer. The change in crystal forms is also confirmed by the Fourier-transform infrared spectra the scanning electron microscopy and the transmission electron microscopy. The inhibition mechanism is proposed and it shows that the interactions between calcium and polyethylene glycol PEG are the fundamental impetus for restraining the formation of the scale in cooling water systems.