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4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
在全球气候系统模型中,陆面水文过程对提高模拟精度有显著作用。土壤水分空间非均匀分布对于蒸发和径流的计算以及能量在潜热和感热之间的分配具有重要的影响,但现有的多数陆面过程模式未能考虑土壤水分水平非均匀性的影响。地形指数模型以其较好的物理基础、参数少、计算量小,且能考虑地形变化对土壤水分非均匀分布影响等优点,使其有潜力模拟陆面过程中水分过程分布非均匀二维特性。目前地形指数水文模型已被推荐应用于陆面过程模式(Land surface models,LSMs)中以改进对陆面水文过程的模拟能力。在地形指数模型中,数据的空间分辨率、河道的起始临界值、非饱和区域的分区和空间各点的坡度等因子不同的确定,都能对模拟结果产生重要影响,对它们如何合理地给定,既不降低模型精度,又能省时、省资源是十分重要的。本研究通过大量的敏感性模拟试验,较系统地探讨上述参数不同的确定方案对流域水量平衡模拟结果的影响。主要结论有:(1)将流域按地形指数值大小分为16块与仅区分饱和区与非饱和区或仅区分饱和区、较湿润区和较干区3块模拟结果相差不大,因此将地形指数模型应用于陆面模式时仅区分饱和区与非饱和区或区分饱和区、较湿润区和较干区3块这种简化方案也许是一种可行的选择;(2)不考虑坡度会扭曲水量平衡各要素的计算,用一个平均坡度替代实际坡度的办法就会有比较接近了实际坡度的结果。因此,LSM模型中一维均匀的网格做法应该改进,但太细致的坡度取法也许没必要。以上结论可为今后发展用于陆面模式的大尺度水文模型提供依据。
The model study of water mass and energy exchange between the inland water body and atmosphere被引量:2
Based on a one-dimensional eddy diffusion model,a model to study the water mass and energy exchange between the water body(such as lake and wetland) and the atmosphere is developed,which takes the phase change process due to the seasonal melting and freezing of water and the convection mixing process of energy caused by temperature stratification into consideration. The model uses enthalpy instead of temperature as predictive variable,which will help to deal with the phase change process and to design an efficient numerical scheme for obtaining the solution more easily. The performance of the model and the rationality of taking convection mixing into the consideration are validated by using observed data of Kinneret Lake in Israel and Lower Two Medicine Lake in Montana State in America. The comparison of model results with observed data indicates that the model presented here is capable of describing the physical process of water mass and energy between the water body(lake and wetland) and atmosphere. Comparison of the result from wetland with shallow and deep lakes under the same forcing conditions shows that the evaporation from wetland is much greater than that from lakes,which accords with the real observation fact and physical mechanism.
SUN ShuFenYAN JinFengXIA NanLI Qian
在一维涡扩散模型的基础上,发展了考虑有四季冻融相变过程和因异重层结产生垂向对流混合过程的水体(如湖泊、湿地)与大气之间的水-热传输模型.模型采用焓代替温度作为预报变量,既方便了处理水的冻融相变问题,也提供了有效的计算求解方法.利用以色列Kinneret湖和美国Montana州的Lower Two Medicine湖的观测资料,对模型的性能和引入对流混合合理性进行了验证,说明了本水体-大气热传输模型是能刻画湖泊、湿地等水体与大气间重要的水、热量输运物理过程.通过相同气象条件下不同深度的湖泊和湿地蒸发潜热的对比,得出湿地蒸发大于浅湖和深湖蒸发,这符合实际观测的结果.
Extension of TOPMODEL Applications to the Heterogeneous Land Surface被引量:3
At present, the Topographic Index Model (TOPMODEL) has been recommended for integration in Land Surface Models (LSMs). But, the applicable scope of the original TOPMODEL (OTOP) is limited because the OTOP derivation relies on three fundamental but unrealistic assumptions. In this paper, several versions of a generalized TOPMODEL (GTOP), which relax some unrealistic assumptions involved in OTOP, are presented, and the theoretical derivationsn to obtain these modifications are demonstrated in detail. Specifically, the extension for the OTOP applicability comes down to following three basic cases: (1) Give up the assumption of spatially uniform recharge rate to the groundwater and let the rate be spatially varying, (2) Keep same original exponential distribution profile of hydraulic conductivity used in OTOP but change the saturated hydraulic conductivity and effective soil depth from spatial constants in OTOP to spatially variable quantities; and (3) Extend the original exponential distribution profile of hydraulic conductivity to more general power law distribution profile of hydraulic conductivity together with spatially variable saturated hydraulic conductivity and effective soil depth. Finally, a brief numerical sensitivity study based on one version of GTOP using an exponential distribution profile for soil hydraulic conductivity is conducted. This shows the heterogeneous effects of the effective soil depth, saturated hydraulic conductivity, at ground surface and groundwater recharge rate on hydrological processes and serves as an example application of GTOP to a heterogeneous catchment.