《反家庭暴力法》创建的人身安全保护令制度保障了家庭成员间的合法权益,家庭暴力作为一个多发性社会问题,是泛指家庭成员之间实施的对身体或者精神、心理、性方面的各种伤害暴力行为,往往由于现实之中的亲属关系与家庭利益的相互约束而出现一定的隐蔽性、普遍性和极其严重的伤害性。一般来说,它会一次又一次地爆发,并对家庭关系和谐和社会秩序稳定产生极大的负面影响。并且导致我们构建和谐社会的难度增大,阻碍了人类社会文明的进步与发展。我国创建人身保护令制度以来,对家庭暴力受害人的法律救济从被动变成了主动,人身安全保护令制度这一民事强制措施在防治家庭暴力领域中得到了充分适用,不仅加强了对家庭暴力的司法预防和处理,也为家庭暴力受害者的人身和财产安全提供了更全面地保护。本文以我国人身安全保护令制度为研究对象,深入分析了其具体性质、作用、历史渊源,以及实施现状,在此基础上提出存在的问题与完善建议。The Domestic Violence Act creates the personal safety protection system to protect the legitimate rights and interests between family members. Domestic violence as a multiple social problem refers to the family members between the physical or mental, psychological, sexual aspects of various kinds of violence, often due to the reality of kinship and family interests of mutual constraints and a certain concealment, universality and extremely serious damage. Generally speaking, it will explode again and again, and have a great negative impact on the family harmony and the stability of social order. And it leads to the difficulty of us to build a harmonious society increased, hindering the progress and development of human social civilization. Since the creation of habeas corpus system in our country, the legal relief for victims of domestic violence from passive to active, personal safety protection