The article briefly reports the finds excavated in 1994- 1995 from Lingkou Site.Based on the gotten materials,Lingkou Site can be classified into4stages: .Remains of Baijia Culture; .Remains of Lingkou Culture ; .Remains of Banpo Culture; .Remains of L ate Banpo Culture . The Second stage is one of the important discovery in Neolithic archaeology during recentyears.Itfills the gap between Baijia Culture and Banpo Culture,and is the predecessor of Yangshao Culture which has been discussing and looking for. According to the time,location,specific objects unearthed,the authour named the second stage of this site Lingkou
This article analyses faunal remains of the Longshan period unearthed from the 1990 excavation at the Kangjia site in Lintong, Shaanxi. It attempts to reconstruct environmental conditions, subsistence economy, ritual activities, regional interaction, and social organisation. High percentage of bones from water buffalo, sheep or goat indicates regional interactions in economic aspect; turtle shells used in ritual context suggest the existence of long-distance exchange of ritual paraphernalia; certain depositional process of a large quantity of animal bones implies that ritual feasting may have become a part of political strategy then.
利用植硅体分析与炭化植物种子形态分析,对汉阳陵外藏坑DK15出土的距今2000多年前的农作物遗存进行了分析鉴定.分析结果表明,此外藏坑粮仓中的农作物包含了粟(Setaria italica)、黍(Panicum miliaceum)、稻(Oryza saliva)以及藜属(初步鉴定为杖藜Chenopodium giganteum)的大量种子.这些农作物反映了当时西汉早中期陕西关中地区主要的农作物(谷物与蔬菜).以前从考古遗址中获得的藜属种子都是零星的,归为伴人杂草.此次汉阳陵出土的大量藜属种子,是考古中的首次发现,也第一次用实物资料证明了藜属作为经济作物的悠久历史.由于西汉从汉武帝时才开始在关中大力推广小麦种植,所以外藏坑中缺少小麦遗存有可能至少反映了汉景帝离世(141 cal a BC)前,小麦在关中地区民众日常生活与农业经济中的从属地位.