To determine the optimal time for harvesting the seeds of Gui 39722, which is the female parent of a newly-developed maize hybrid Guidan 0810, the cobs of Gui 39722 were harvested 31 (the first stage), 34 (the second stage), 37 (the third stage), 40 (the fourth stage), 43 (the fifth stage) and 46 (the sixth stage) d after pollination and oven dried at 38 ~C to constant weight. Then, the 1 000-ker- nel weight, germination rate and the agronomic traits of three-leaf seedlings were measured and compared. The results showed that the seeds of Gui 39722 harvest- ed 43 d after pollination (the fifth stage) had the greatest germination rate, seedling height, vigor index, root dry weight, shoot dry weight and germination potential, and high 1 000-kernel weight (very close to the highest level), root length, number of roots per seedling and root-shoot ratio. Therefore, 43 d after pollination was the op- timal time for harvesting the seeds of Gui 39722, when the effective accumulated temperature after pollination reached 780.7 ℃ and the ear leaf dried. The seeds harvested at this stage had the highest yield and the best quality. Field sampling revealed that 89.00% to 95.00% (with an average of 91.15%) of the seedlings of six stages of seeds grew well.
多色基因组原位杂交(multi-color genomic in situ hybridization,McGISH)鉴定结果表明,MTPP-58有58条染色体,其中11条染色体来自玉米,28条染色体来自四倍体多年生大刍草,17条染色体来自指状摩擦禾和2条玉米与四倍体多年生大刍草易位的染色体。2012-2013年对MTPP-58的饲草产量、品质、越冬率以及繁殖特性研究表明,第1年鲜、干草产量分别为93.845t/hm2和22.083t/hm2,第2年鲜、干草产量分别为82.851t/hm2和14.394t/hm2;粗蛋白(CP)为10.48%,干茎叶比为0.71,越冬率为100%。MTPP-58下部茎干扦插成活率为51.69%,分株成活率为95.50%。多种属聚合远缘杂交创制的MTPP-58聚合了玉米、大刍草、摩擦禾的优良特性,植株根系发达,生长繁茂,分蘖和抗寒性强,生产性能优,可无性繁殖,是一种多种属间杂交创制的新型多年生饲草。
[Objective] The experiment aimed to provide technical guidance for cutting propagation of forage maize SAUMZI.[Method]The survival situation of cuttings at different stem parts and with different internodes numbers and nutrient basis of cutting growth were studied in this experiment.[Result]The survival of young cutting was high while the rooting rate,germination rate and soluble sugar content of lower part of old stem and young cutting were all high.The rooting rate and survival rate with two nodes were higher than those with one node.The total nitrogen content in young stem and in all stems of two-year-old strain were relatively high while soluble sugar content was positively correlated to germination rate,however,total nitrogen content did not show obvious correlation with rooting rate and germination rate.[Conclusion]The young cutting possessed the highest survival rate and germination rate.