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作品数:3 被引量:17H指数:1


  • 3篇中文期刊文章


  • 3篇农业科学


  • 1篇有机碳
  • 1篇土壤
  • 1篇土壤类型
  • 1篇土壤有机
  • 1篇土壤有机碳
  • 1篇总氮
  • 1篇微生物
  • 1篇微生物特征
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  • 3篇北海道大学
  • 2篇安徽农业大学
  • 1篇南开大学


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  • 1篇2008
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3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
研究了东北东部山区暗棕壤和白浆土两种土壤类型上生长的三种典型次生林(白桦林、柞树林和杂木林)的林地土壤有机碳、总氮含量及土壤微生物特征,详细比较分析了相同土壤类型上的不同林分,以及不同土壤类型上分布的相同林分对不同层次土壤有机碳、总氮含量及微生物特征的影响差异.结果表明:A 层土壤中土壤有机碳、总氮含量及土壤微生物占绝对优势,且因土壤类型和林分的不同而有着显著差异.暗棕壤上各林分上土壤有机碳、总氮含量的顺序为:杂木林>白桦林>柞树林,且相互之间差异显著.杂木林的土壤微生物数量和生物量显著高于白桦林和柞树林,但是白桦林和柞树林之间的差异不显著;白浆土上土壤有机碳、总氮含量的顺序为:白桦林>杂木林>柞树林,土壤微生物数量和生物量的顺序为:白桦林>柞树林>杂木林,且相互之间差异显著.白桦林在白浆土上的有机碳、总氮及微生物数量和生物量显著高于暗棕壤,而杂木林在暗棕壤上的各检测指标均高于白浆土,柞树林在白浆土中的有机碳、总氮显著高于暗棕壤,但其微生物数量和生物量在两种土壤类型中的差异呈相反趋势.以上被检测的土壤有机碳、总氮及其土壤微生物数量和生物量等各指标间存在显著的相关性.
Landscape patterns of overstory litterfall and related nutrient fluxes in a cool-temperate forest watershed in northern Hokkaido,Japan被引量:1
Within a forested watershed at the Uryu Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University in northern Hokkaido, overstory litterfall and related nutrient fluxes were measured at different landscape zones over two years. The wetland zone covered with Picea glehnii pure stand. The riparian zone was deciduous broad-leaved stand dominated by Alnus hirsuta and Salix spp., while the mixture of deciduous broadleaf and evergreen conifer dominated by Betula platyphylla, Quercus crispula and Abies sachalinensis distributed on the upland zone. Annual litterfall averaged 1444, 5122, and 4123 kg.hm^-2·a^-1 in the wetland, riparian and upland zones, respectively. Litterfall production peaked in September-October, and foliage litter contributed the greatest amount (73.4%-87.6 %) of the annual total litterfall. Concentrations of nutrients analyzed in foliage litter of the dominant species showed a similar seasonal variation over the year except for N in P glehnii and A. hirsuta. The nutrient fluxes for all elements analyzed were greatest on riparian zone and lowest in wetland zone. Nutrient fluxes via litterfall followed the decreasing sequence: N (11-129 kg.hm-2.aq) 〉 Ca (9-69) 〉 K (5-20) 〉 Mg (3-15) 〉 P (0.4-4.7) for all stands. Significant differences were found in litterfall production and nutrient fluxes among the different landscape components. There existed significant differences in soil chemistry between the different landscape zones. The consistently low soil C:N ratios at the riparian zone might be due to the higher-quality litter inputs (largely N-fixing alder).
Forest structure,productivity and soil properties in a subtropical ever-green broad-leaved forest in Okinawa,Japan被引量:1
Structure, species composition, and soil properties of a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Okinawa, Japan, were examined by establishment of plots at thirty sites. The forest was characterized by a relatively low canopy and a large number of small-diameter trees. Mean canopy height for this forest was 10 m and stands contained an average of 5400 stems-ha^-1 ( -〉 3.0 cm DBH); 64% of those stems were smaller than 10 cm DBH. The total basal area was 54.4 m^2-ha^-1, of which Castanopsis sieboldii contributed 48%. The forest showed high species diversity of trees. 80 tree species (≥ 3.0 cm DBH) from 31 families was identified in the thirty sampling plots. C. sieboldii and Schima wallichii were the dominant and subdominant species in terms of importance value. The mean tree species diversity indices for the plots were, 3.36 for Diversity index (H'), 0.71 for Equitability index (J') and 4.72 for Species richness index (S'), all of which strongly declined with the increase of importance value of the dominant, C. sieboldii. Measures of soil nutrients indicated low fertility, extreme heterogeneity and possible A1 toxicity. Regression analysis showed that stem density and the dominant tree height were significantly correlated with soil pH. There was a significant positive relationship between species diversity index and soil exchangeable K^+, Ca^2+, and Ca^2+/Al^3- ratio (all p values 〈0.001) and a negative relationship with N, C and P. The results suggest that soil property is a major factor influencing forest composition and structure within the subtropical forest in Okinawa.