Soil moisture of Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. community has obviously stratified phenomena: the layer (0-40 cm) in which roots are concentrically distributed is directly influenced by precipitation and evapotranspiration. It can be called interaction layer of precipitation and evapotranspiration. The layer (40-120 cm), where water-storage capacity exchange lagged exchange of the root-layer water-storage capacity and the community evapotranspiration, can be called major water-storage layer. The layer (under 120 cm) can be called water relatively stable/balanced layer. The year 1996 was a normal flow year, and soil water had a surplus of 18 mm at the end of the growing season. The year 1998 was a high flow year, because leakage took place under continuous heavy rainfall, soil water had a deficit of 15 mm at the end of the growing season. Transpiration to evapotranspiration ( T/ET) value reflected not only the luxuriance degree of the community, but also the water use regime of the environmental resources. T/ET value was low (0.5) in May 1998, reaching 0.7 in June, then decreasing to 0.6 in July, due to the impact of rainfall inclining, while August reached the maximum (0.9), and September decreased to 0.6. Water use efficiency (WUE) was mainly restricted by the growing rate of plants under sufficient water condition (1998). Its seasonal changes were coincident with the grand period of growth of the plants. When both meanings of WUE and T/ET were analyzed profoundly, the concept of evapotranspiration efficiency (ETE) which can all-side reflect utilization regime of the environmental water resources was advanced.