本文聚焦于美食纪录片《舌尖上的中国1》,该片以其独特的视角和丰富的文化内涵,向全球观众展示了中国博大精深的饮食文化。该纪录片中蕴含大量中国文化负载词,这些词汇不仅承载着丰富的历史文化信息,也是传递中华文化精髓的关键。因此,本文以纪录片《舌尖上的中国1》中的文化负载词为例进行具体分析,深入探讨在功能对等视域下,中国文化负载词在英译过程中如何巧妙运用归化与异化策略,旨在确保译文的忠实性与通顺性,从而进一步促进中华文化的国际传播与交流。This paper focuses on the food documentary “A Bite of China I”, which offers a unique perspective and rich cultural insights into the extensive and profound Chinese food culture, appealing to a global audience. The documentary is characterized by an abundance of Chinese culture-loaded words that carry significant historical and cultural information and are crucial for transmitting the essence of Chinese culture. The paper analyzes these culture-loaded words and explores the strategies of domestication and foreignization employed in their English translation from the perspective of functional equivalence. The objective is to ensure the fidelity and fluency of the translations, thereby facilitating the international dissemination and exchange of Chinese culture.
鲍勃·迪伦以民谣歌手出道,以摇滚乐的一代巨星为人们所认识,以拍摄多部著名影片的世界级导演为人们所刮目相看,其任何一作品都充满着巨大的吸引力。本文从鲍勃·迪伦的生平事迹及音乐影响出发,分析了他的两个作品《Blowing in the Wind》和《Likea Rolling Stone》,论述了他留给美国及世界文化的深刻印记。在他的名字之上冠以任何的光环都不够完整,没有任何一个名称可以界定他的一生,他是没有标签的鲍勃·迪伦。