Glass films of B2O3-SiO2 and RO-B2O3-SiO2 (RO: CaO, MgO, ZnO) system wereprepared by sol-gel process.X-ray diffraction of gels was examided. Ralation oftransmissivity of films to RH,H2O/Si(OC2H5)4(mol), content of B2O3 was measured.Ralation between gelling time and H2O/Si (OC2H5)4(mol) was investigated.IR spectra ofgel and glass of 10B2O3.90SiO2 and 5MgO.10B2O3.80SiO2 system were also measured. Transformation from gel into glass was verified.This work provides a now refereace forpreparation of glass films of boric-silicate by sol-gel process.