采用油包水(W/O)微乳液法,以KBH4为还原剂,在水相-Triton X 100-异丙醇-环己烷组成的W/O微乳液中还原二价铁、钴、镍盐,合成Fe-Co-Ni合金纳米微粒。考察反应气氛、温度、时间和洗涤溶液对反应的影响,并用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜对合成的纳米微粒的形貌、结构进行检测。研究结果表明:在25-30℃的N2中反应1 h,得到的产物待丙酮破乳后用无水乙醇洗涤结果最佳。合成的Fe-Co-Ni合金是粒径为1-3 nm的球状微粒。
The preparation of Cu nanoparticles by the aqueous solution reduction method was investigated. The effects of different reaction parameters on the preparation of Cu nanoparticles were studied. The optimum conditions for preparing well-dispersed nanoparticles were found as follows: 0.4 mol/L NaBH4 was added into solution containing 0.2 mol/L Cu2+, 1.0% gelatin dispersant in mass fraction, and 1.2 mol/L NH3?H2O at pH 12 and 313 K. In addition, a series of experiments were performed to discover the reaction process. NH3?H2O was found to be able to modulate the reaction process. At pH=10, Cu2+ was transformed to Cu(NH3)42+ as precursor after the addition of NH3?H2O, and then Cu(NH3)42+ was reduced by NaBH4 solution. At pH=12, Cu2+ was transformed to Cu(OH)2 as precursor after the addition of NH3?H2O, and Cu(OH)2 was then reduced by NaBH4 solution.