The fact of Tongcheng’s being dismembered obviously embodies the conflicts and h eated competitions between cities and counties, or between big and small cities, in the process of China’s urbanization and county-level economic development. I n increasingly fierce competitions, the adjustment of administrative divisions m ay actually be a forced choice, but it is not the only one.
Some foreign brands seems to become the target of public criticism over night. A number of the well-known foreign brands were involved in scandal of poor quality. And their reaction to such crisis is startling. They typically react to the criticism as follows: they first declared that they had passed consumer tests in many countries and had strict quality control measures. They refused to admit their quality problem until their problems could not be concealed any more. In or- der to retrieve consumer’s confidence and solve public relation problems, the only result of such public relation strategies that aim to rebuild consumer’s confi- dence is further destroy consumers’ confidence.
Along with the increasing economic and social activities in China, government officials of all levels are having more opportu- nities to " show themselves" in front of the public, with increas- ing reports in the media. Myste- rious officials gradually " step down the altar" and be familiar- ized by common people.