The variation of the radiation field around accelerator is complex.Only by real-time monitoring can one learn them in detail.The traditional measurement methods have been out of date.The mini-DDL is a specific device designed for such radiation field real-time monitoring.It has huge flash memories and is small in size.It can communicate with the control PC via intranet or RS232 port.So it is suitable to be applied not only in area monitoring but also in temporary monitoring.The radiation field measurements results obtained using the Mini-DDL are introduced in this paper.
详细计算了一台10 MeV的电子直线加速器周围某些关键位置的辐射剂量,并对其进行了连续监测以及累积剂量的测量,测量结果充分说明工作环境是安全的.在迷宫出口位置理论值很好地符合测量值,这充分验证了经验公式的合理性.同时发现迷道内剂量衰减趋势与计算模型中使用的距离平方反比规律有所不同,要在迷道长度达到一定值后才能确保经验公式给出的结果是保守的.为了实现对辐射场的连续实时监测,此次测量中使用一种新的数据采集设备Mini-DDL(mini digital data logging).