Introduction Claire Conceison is one of the leading figures in the research field of contemporary Chinese theater. She has multiple roles: a scholar, translator, and director. She is a professor of Chinese Culture and Theater Arts at MIT and the author of two books——Significant Other: Staging the American in China(2004), Voices Carry: Behind Bars and Backstage during China’s Revolution and Reform(2009).
《J·阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》(“The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock”)(下文简称《情歌》)是艾略特青年时期创作的一首诗,虽然没有《荒原》的影响力,但其成熟的表现手法已赋予诗歌丰富的意象和内涵,为艾略特赢得了诗坛最初的赞誉。西方学者偏向于挖掘出其中的典故和互文性,或将普鲁弗洛克与陀思妥耶夫斯基《罪与罚》中的拉斯科利尼科夫进行对比.
Plays collected in I Love XXX and Other Plays created by Meng Jinghui fulfilled numerous Chinese audiences’ expectations and have been popular in China for many years. Delightedly, Claire Conceison’s edition of this anthology has finally made “Meng-style” plays available to an English readership.