Effects of varieties on the content of tea pigment, L*, a* and b* value of chromatic aberration of black tea infusion was studied. The correlation relationship between content of TF, TR, TB and L*, a*, b* value was extremely significant at P<0.05. Fresh tea leaves with plucking standard of 1 bud and 2 leaves could man-ufacture black tea with higher content of tea pigment, higher a* and b* value but lower L* value, than those of plucking standard of 1 bud and 3 leaves. But the discrepancy of certain parameter of the two plucking standards changed with vari-eties. Varieties’ quality potential could be concealed by improper plucking standards. Six varieties were divided into four groups on the basis of gross tea polyphenols in fresh tea leaves (GTP), consumption of tea polyphenols to gross tea polyphenols ratio (CTP/GTP) and gross tea pigment to consumption of tea polyphenols ratio (GP/CTP). Hybrid performed the very suitability of black tea manufacturing. To en-sure high quality of made black tea, suitable variety should be chosen and reason-able plucking standard also should be taken into consideration.