Now the world has entered into an era of cross-cultural communication. Cultures influence and infiltrate one another. Willing or not, people must first encounter culture shock when they migrate from a familiar cultural background to a strange one. This thesis analyzes what causes culture shock and puts forward some suggestions to deal with it. Those who are about to go into a new culture environment may have some mental preparation.
"等效原则"是翻译的一个重要原则,是多年来中外翻译界关心和争论的一个重要话题,由于受到文本、文化、思维方式和译者等因素影响,要想在翻译过程中追求绝对的等效是不可能的。汉语对联是中国传统文学的一种特殊形式,从律诗中脱胎出来,翻译时存在可译性限度(Limits of Translatability)。本文通过"天下第一长联"两种英译文的对比,旨在进一步说明,虽然等效只是相对的,但译者可以确定一个切实可行的目标,充分利用汉英两种语言的共性,使译文尽量"等效",力求"神似"。