[ Objective] The aim of this study was to provide a basis for study on adiponectin as a candidate gene for fat deposition. [ Method] The promoter sequence of adiponectin was obtained by porcine BAC library screening and primer-walking method. The polymorphisms of adiponectin promoter from 290 pigs, including 5 breeds of Lantang pig, Large spotted pig, Large white pig, Landrace and Duroc, were analyzed with PCR-RFLP. [ Result] At SNP site of adiponectin 5'-flanking region -1 010 bp (G/A), GG genotype frequency in Chinese indigenous pigs was significantly higher than that in exotic pigs. At SNP site of adiponectin 5'-flanking region -394 bp (T/C), the genotype distribution of Chi- nese indigenous pigs was abundant, while no CC genotype was detected in exotic pigs, and T allele frequency was higher in exotic pigs. [ Conclusion] SNP site mutation of - 1 010 bp (G/A) may lead to changes of the gene transcription level, while SNP site of -394 bp (T/C) properly has no relationship with gene transcription level and fat deposition.
脂联素(Adiponectin)是至今发现的唯一与肥胖呈负相关的脂肪细胞特异性蛋白,是调控生物体的能量稳态、葡萄糖代谢和脂肪代谢的脂源性细胞因子之一。生物信息学分析发现,adiponectin基因启动子区-1500~-1350bp是CpG位点的富集区域。为了进一步研究脂联素基因的表达调控研究,文章从表观遗传学角度出发,通过Real-time PCR与甲基化特异性PCR(Methylation special PCR,MSP)的方法对脂联素基因的表达及其启动子区的甲基化状况进行了分析。结果表明,在adiponectin基因启动子区CG富集的区域(-1500~-1350bp)中,90日龄长白猪大多去甲基化(83%),90日龄蓝塘猪部分去甲基化(33%),成年蓝塘猪全是高度甲基化(100%),成年长白猪部分去甲基化(33%)。甲基化与去甲基化过程主要发生在某些特定CpG位点。脂联素基因在猪肌肉组织中以高度甲基化状态为主,这一结果与该基因在肌肉组织中表达量相吻合。以上结果提示,随个体发育,脂联素基因的甲基化状态随基因表达的波动呈现动态的过程,表现出与基因表达量波动基本一致的波动趋势。