The Great Gatsby has been one of the most discussed topics,researchers has explored it from various aspects.In the researches,Nick Carraway was mainly seen as a narrator,and the research are mostly focus on the shift of his narrative prospective.Few people noticed that he was totally fit into the definition of the " wise old man".This paper tries to put an eye on the archetype of the hero Nick Carraway,whose figure is thought as in the archetype of the " wise old man".
Language stood in the foreground of George Orwell's social and political thinking. Language is not only a vehicle for transmitting ideas, but also a product originating from social and political interactions. This paper examines the language, particularly the abuse of language, in the context of politics presented in Nineteen Eighty-Four, so as to find out George Orwell's view of language: language as a manipulated tool to control people's minds.
In William Golding' s Darkness Visible,Sophy' s experience of " hysterical hallucination" plays an important role in the the matic expression.They point directly to the evil nature of man.Although the specific content of hallucinations is different,they possess a common characteristic-mystical experience.They worth further research.This paper examines Sophy' s mystical experience in her hyster ical hallucination,so as to find out the functions of mystical experience and its influences on the novel' s thematic expression.
One feature of Golding' s works is to reveal the theme-the evil nature of man,through the characters' mystical experience.This is obvious in Darkness Visible and Lord of the Flies.This paper tries to find out the resource for the writer to use mystical experience through biological approach.
Golding gave hallucination to characters when they are suffering from hysteria.This paper researches the relation between Simon' s hysteria with hallucination and the revelation of the theme,and finds out that this clinical symptom turns to be the window for Golding to tell his theme.
The Storm and Yellow Woman are famous works by Kate Chopin and Leslie Marmon Silko respectively,two of the most important female writers of America.In this paper,the author tries to carry out an examination of the two stories in the light of feminism in three aspects:female's spiritual crisis in the male-centered society,the journey of finding self and the yellow woman of the self-identity construction.
Beyond the stories,Golding spends much effort on an issue called"impotence of language"in his works,especially Lord of the Flies and Darkness Visible.Thus Golding's language view is worthwhile to research.With help of Lacan's theory of signifier and signified,this paper made a primary glance about Golding's language view within the two novels.