Four types of urban forest,respectively in the urban park,hill,the scenic forest in near suburb and the natural forest in far suburb in Maanshan were studied in this paper. Species composition,Shannon-Wiener diversity index,species evenness and dominance index in the 4 types of forest were computed based on sample data. The results showed that there were 201 tree species in the natural forest in the far suburb,154 in the urban park,153 in the scenic forest in near suburb,123 in the urban hill. A rank of Shannon-Wiener diversity was:the natural forest in the far suburb (3.20)>the scenic forest in the near suburb (2.47)>the urban park (2.30)>the urban hill (2.22). Species diversity of the urban hill,the scenic forest in the near suburb and the natural forest in the far suburb,which all had natural regenerated characteristics,was increased with the increasing distance from city center. It indicated a negative relation with disturbance intensity from human management activities. The species resemblance index between the urban park and the scenic forest in the near suburb was the highest. The all resemblance indices among 4 different stand types were less than 40%. It demonstrated that some native species in the local natural forest had not been employed as city greening plants,and natural level of the species structure for the urban forest was low. City managers were suggested to put more native tree species for city greening in future,particularly using canopy species of the local secondary forest.