本文以符号学概念分析一个近年流行于电脑游戏中的角色萝拉·哥夫(Lara Croft)。 她被设计成一个协助玩者在游戏中获得“成就感(A c h i e v e m e nt)”、“ 梦幻化(Fantasization)” 和超现实化(hyperrealization)” 的向导。电脑游戏业者可以以萝拉作前例,多了解其目标消费者心中的梦想,以发展更受欢迎的电脑游戏。其他产品的业者,亦可以以萝拉为经验,考虑为其产品设计一个具人性化的代表角色,协助建立独特形象和开拓新市场。
The heart of business marketing is to study and understand customers’ behavior, design and develop products following customers’ demand and peculiarities, nail down target markets, shape marketing policies and select marketing channels. The research papers by the Chinese and foreigners of consuming behavior is so many as to fill a house with, but there is little study of consumer behavior in the mall, a study which, actually, can theoretically contribute the further comprehension of the characteristics of consumer behavior, especially the behavior differences arising among clients who are facing sorts of commodities in various luringly beautiful shops, and can practically help the formulation of more efficient marketing policies made by the mall’s developers, management and commodity suppliers--in accordance with their target markets and customers’ behavior differences. The questions to be discussed in this paper are: 1) What kind of people constitute the customers of the mall? 2) What is it that differentiates the purchasing behavior of various client groups? 3) Most important, what factors have great bearing on their buying behavior?