高新技术产业是指以高新技术为基础,以高附加值为特征,以创新为动力的高科技产业。它在现代经济体系中扮演着至关重要的角色,能够带来高效率和高生产力,推动经济的快速增长,已成为打造科技强国与制造强国的重要手段。本文聚焦于2009至2021年中国31个省市的高技术产业数据,通过应用回归分析方法,深入探讨了高技术产业技术创新效率在不同地区的分布差异,得到不同指标对高技术产业创新效率的影响。研究表明:中国高技术产业创新效率总体水平较低,区域差距明显,总体而言,较中西部地区来说,东部地区在规模效率、纯技术效率以及综合效率方面均表现最为优异。The high-tech industry refers to high-tech industries based on advanced and novel technology, distinguished by high-value addition and innovation-driven growth. It is a crucial component of the contemporary economic framework, offering high efficiency and productivity, accelerating rapid economic development, and serving as a key means for establishing a nation as a leader in science, technology, and manufacturing. This study delves into the data from China’s high-tech industries across 31 provinces and cities between 2009 and 2021. By employing regression analysis, it deeply explores the distribution differences in technological innovation efficiency of high-tech industries in different regions and obtains the impact of various factors on the innovation efficiency of high-tech industries. The findings indicate that the overall level of innovation efficiency of China’s high-tech industries is low, with obvious regional disparities, and in general, compared with the central and western regions, the eastern region has the best performance in terms of scale efficiency, pure technological efficiency, and overall efficiency.