Aflatoxin B1 toxicity is well known but the mechanism of this toxicity is still unclear. In addition, the target of the anti-aflatoxin chemopreventive drug Oltipraz remains to be identified. In this study, we employed computer aided reverse docking analysis to identify putative targets of Aflatoxin B1(AFB) and Oltipraz. The results showed that the clinically known toxic effects of AFB are related to this molecule's strong binding affinity for key proteins involved in cell apoptosis, hormone metabolism, immune suppression, and digestive organ function. In addition, virtual binding assay indicated that Oltipraz neutralizes the toxicity of AFB by inhibiting its biotransformation enzymes. In conclusion, the technique of reverse docking may be used to identify the specific targets of AFB and Oltipraz, and our findings could significantly accelerate the mechanistic studies of the two molecules and provide guidance for the development of anti-AFB drugs.