[Objective] The plankton and macrobenthos samples in municipal polluted river were analyzed by different methods, so as to explore the method suitable for biological data analysis in heavy polluted area. [Method] Shannon-Wiener diversity index, cluster analysis of multivariate statistical analysis and MDS (Non-matric Multi- dimentional Scaling)analysis were used to analyze biological data of phytoplankton, zooplankton and Zoobenthos collected from the representative municipal polluted river in Pearl River Delta. The sediment samples were also collected to determine. Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr, As, Cu, Ni, Zn, as well as CODe, and NH3-N of porewater. Hakanson potential ecological risk index method was used to evaluate the ecological risk. [Re- suit] Shannon-Wiener diversity index analysis results can not effectively reflect the difference of pollution status of various stations in heavy polluted area; despite the presence of some problems, multivariate analysis method is superior to the Shannon-Wiener diversity index method in biological monitoring of heavy polluted river in the city. [Conclusion] The paper provided theoretical basis for biological data analysis in heavy polluted area.
采用多元统计方法分析了雷州半岛滨海湿地表层沉积物中重金属的含量、相关性、空间分布特征和来源,并对其生态风险进行了评价。研究区表层沉积物中的Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、As、Cd和Hg的含量平均值分别为10.29±7.80、47.06±28.47、24.74±10.78、41.70±26.25、7.98±4.73、0.042±0.029和0.020±0.027μg·g-1。Cu、Zn和Cr以及Pb、Cd和Hg为2个强正相关群,第一个群中的重金属元素以自然来源为主,第二个群则兼有人为输入和自然2个来源。重金属含量的高值区主要分布在流沙港、湛江港西部、海安港和雷州湾西部海域。对照美国海洋与大气管理局(NOAA)的生物效应标准,研究区绝大部分海域内的表层沉积物中除As含量在约50%的站位的值在"效应范围低"(effect range low)和"效应范围中等"(effect range median)阈值之间,对底栖生物会偶尔发生负面效应外,其他重金属基本不发生负面效应。重金属总体为低污染程度和低潜在生态风险。应重视人类活动较强的区域如湛江港西部、流沙港、海安港等海区的重金属污染,以避免持续累积至能对生物造成危害的水平。