This is a report on the excavation at Caijiahe site. The remains of the Longshan Culture consists of two types.Type one belongs to the Miaodigou Ⅱ Culture.But the pottery colour is mainly red and brown which is quite different fro m that of the typical Miaodigou Ⅱ Culture. Some pots charecterised by the low neck exhib its some transitional feature to Keshengzhuang Ⅱ Culture.Type two belong s to th e Shuang’an Type of the Keshengzhuang Ⅱ Culture. Specially, Many pots with high neck,scarcely found before in this culture, are discovered in H29, and will pro vide new clues to research the development of this culture and to find out the l ocal culture of the Western Guanzhong in Xia dynasty.
Nanyang village is situated on the second terrace on the northern bank of the Weihe River, 7km to the east of Baoji city. Four tombs were excavated there in 1998. They are rectangular earth shafts with the opening smaller than the bottom, the earth filling rammed, and second-tier platforms built of mellow soil in two pits. All the tombs have coffins containing burials in a supine extended position, and waist-pits occur in the bottom of two tombs. The funeral objects are largely placed in the north and south of the tombs, between the outer and inner coffins. Among them are the bronze ding tripod, gui food container, pot, dou stemmed vessel, pan basin, he tripod, yi ewer, small bell and ge dagger-axe, the pottery ding, gui, pot, dou, jar, pan, he and yah steamer, and the stone shell, ge,gui obelisk and jue open ring. Their shape and combination indicate that the tombs go back to the early Spring-and-Autumn period and belong to the then Qin people.
The Shang remains of the Caijiahe site can be divided into three phases and four periods and dated from the early period of phase Ⅲ of the Yinxu site to the end of the Shang and beginning of the Zhou Dynasty. The Caijiahe site, being the Nianzipo type in culture, has built up the cultural sequences of the type and thus far improved the studies on the pre Zhou culture.