Criegee intermediate is believed to play an important role in the atmospheric chemistry.Because of its short life and the difficulty in experimental study, we carried out ah initio calculations on the thermochemistry of the Criegee involving reactions in this study. Thermochemistrydata of reaction enthalpies and Gibbs free energies for four different stable structures of the Criegeeintermediates (singlet CH2OO ①1 A1 in C2v, triplet CH2OO ②3B1 in C2v, singlet CH2OO ③1A’ in Cs and triplet CH2OO ④ in C1 symmetry) involved in some of the gas-phase reactions were calculated at the standard Gaussian-2 [G2(MP2) and G2] and a modified G2, G2(fu1)[10],levels of theory. Relative energies among those Criegees and formic acid were compared. Chemical reactions incltlde the formation of Criegees, re-arrangement from Criegee to formic acid, dissociations (producing CH2(3B1)+O2, CH2(1A1)+O2, CO2+H2, CO2+2H, CO+H2O, OH+HCO) andthe reactions between Criegee and NO/H2O. Standard equilibrium constants for some reactions were investigated and may be obtained for all of the rest reactions involved in this study by the standard Gibbs free energies. It is shown that the formation of Criegee①-④ by ethylene and ozone, the re-arrangement from any Criegee to formic acid, the dissociation in producing CO2+O2and CO+H2O and the reactions between any Criegee and NO/H2O are all favourable thermodynamicaly. The dissociation in forming CO2+2H and OH+HCO is less favourable. While the dissociation in forming carbene (either in 3B1 or 1A1 state) is not allowed by values. Standard enthalpies of formation at 298 K for the four Criegees were predicted at the G2(ful) level of theory. Each value is the average value from ten of the above reactions and they are -4.3, 74.8,98.9 and 244.6 kJ mol-1 at the G2(ful) level for Criegee ① to Criegee ④, respectively. In addition, tile standard enthalpy of formation at 298 K for HOCH2OOH is further predicted to be -315.6 kJ mol-1 at the G2(MP2) level.
Enthalpy changes of the reactions involved in our previous papers have been re-examined at the G2(MP2) and G2 levels. The G2(MP2) and G2 energies of Ar, Ar+,ArAr+, ArCl+, ArF+, ArH+, ArHe+, ArNe+, ArO+, ArS+, H2+, He, HeCl+, HeF+, HeO+,HeS+, Ne, NeCl+, NeF+, NeO+ and NeS+ have been calculated. The G2(MP2) and G2 results for all of the interested reactions have also been compared with those of the previous MP2/6-31G** and MP4/6-311G (2df, 2pd) calculations. All of the G2(MP2) and G2 reaction enthalpies are improved from the MP2 and MP4 level of calculations when compared with the experimental data for the four categories of reactions as (1) iso-electronic, isogyric; (2) valence isoelectronic, isogyric; (3) isogyric and (4)non-isogyric reactions with the average absolute deviations of 5.10, 4.60, 7.70 and 9.20 for G2(MP2) and 4.18, 5.19, 6.78 and 6.49kJ·mol-1 for G2, respectively. The individural deviation for almost all of the reactions involved in this work is not more than±13kJ·mol-1 for G2(MP2) and ±8.4kJ·mol-1 for G2. In this paper, an additional number of reactions examined at the G2(MP2) and G2 levels as well as at the MP2/6-31G** and MP4/6-311G (2df, 2pd) levels of calculations have also been reported. The MP2, MP4, G2(MP2) and G2 total energies for the interested chemical species have been calculated if these energies have not been reported in literatures. All of the reaction energies at different levels have been compared with the experimental data in a nummber of reactions devided into the above four categories. The average absolute deviations are 25.9, 36.0, 29.2 and 40.1 for MP2; 8.41, 18.3, 17.2 and 18.3 for MP4; 9.41, 5.98, 4.85 and 6.90 for G2(MP2) and 6.69, 4.06, 3.85 and 4.60 kJ·mol-1 for G2, respectively. It is clear that the MP2 calculation did quite poor for all of the foux categories of reactions and the MP4 did well only for the isoelectronic and isogyric reactions. The G2(MP2) and G2 reproduce the eaperimental reaction enthalpy changes very well for all reactions in the four categories