[ Objective] In order to offer foundation for further study and exploration of the strain against pests, the pathogenicity of V. lecanfi MZ041024 strain against L. exigua was proved. [ Method] Under different spore concentrations of V. lecanii MZ041024 strain, the pathogenicity against 2^nd instar larvae of Laphygma exigua was determined using dipping method. [ Result ] The results showed that LC.50of V. lecanfi MZ041024 strain against 2M instar larvae of L. exigua under the concentration of 4.5 ×10^5 -4.5 ×10^8 spores/ml were 1.367×10^7, 3.245×10^6, 3.202 ×10^5 and 7.803 × 10^4 spores/ml. [ Conclusion] V. lecanfi MZ041024 strains had strong pathogenicity against L. exigua, so it had better control effect on L. exigua.