Rayleigh wave exploration is based on an elastic layered half-space model. If practical formations contain porous layers, these layers need to be simplified as an elastic medium. We studied the effects of this simplification on the results of Rayleigh wave exploration. Using a half-space model with coexisting porous and elastic layers, we derived the dispersion functions of Rayleigh waves in a porous layered half-space system with porous layers at different depths, and the problem of transferring variables to matrices of different orders is solved. To solve the significant digit overflow in the multiplication of transfer matrices, we propose a simple, effective method. Results suggest that dispersion curves differ in a low- frequency region when a porous layer is at the surface; otherwise, the difference is small.
讨论了钠冷快堆(Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor,SFR)主管道的整体温度和内部液态金属钠流动速度的变化对管道导波传播特性的影响。推导了充液管道中导波频散方程的一般形式,并给出了管道内液态金属钠处于流动状态下的导波频散方程。采用数值计算方法获得了管内液态金属钠处于不同温度和不同流速时的导波纵向模式频散曲线和导波时域波形。结果表明,温度变化对基阶纵向模式的影响较小,但对高阶纵向模式的影响较大;液态钠流速增大会使导波频散曲线向高频轻微移动,但在实际检测中可以忽路管内液体流动速度的影响。通过对时域接收波形的模拟计算,进一步考察了液态金属钠的温度及流动速度变化对导波传播的影响,并通过对比不同模态的激发特点和不同频段的导波时域波形特点,结合导波频散曲线,给出了适用于SFR管道超声无损检测的导波模态和声源激发频段选择方案。