利用广州地区南北2个不同沉积地貌区的钻孔进行孢粉分析,结合测年和沉积信息,分析了广州所代表的珠江三角洲地区晚更新世以来的沉积环境和气候变化。孢粉分析结果显示:在晚更新世珠江三角洲地区气候经历了偏冷干-偏凉干-暖湿-热湿-偏凉干-冷干的变化过程,末次冰期对本区具有明显影响,使全新世和晚更新世孢粉组合表现出一定的差异;全新世气候明显转暖湿,整体上以暖湿为主,但出现了一些小的气候波动事件,最明显的是在2 250 a BP前后偏凉干的变化;该区在晚更新世和全新世各经历过一次海侵,两孔反映的气候期和海平面变化较为一致,气候和海平面变化也有很好的对应。两孔在地层、沉积相和孢粉特征上的差异是地理位置、沉积环境和基座地貌等差异造成的。
Through the Pearl River Estuary Wan Qing-sha W2 core AMS 14^C dating of sediments, combining with paleomagnetic test, pollen analysis, and comprehensive comparison with other relevant records, the regional framework of Holocene age was established. Using the combined feature grain size and magnetic susceptibility proxies for the environment, climate change information in the area since about 6 000 cal yr BP was obtained. The result showed the area since the middle Holocene had experienced three stages climate changes of warm and dry - cool and wet temperature and humidity South area of China in the late Holocene climate (especially rainfall) had important changes, corresponding to the Northern Hemisphere solar radiation reducing, air temperature decreasing, Asian monsoon weakening, and it had close ties with activities to strengthen El Nino - Southern Oscillation events.