Using RAPD technique, the DNA diversity of Cephalotaxus mannii Hook. f., its genetic diversity pattern, the reasons for its endangered position and conservative approaches were studied. The results show that: 1. The genetic diversity of C. mannii collected from five localities in Hainan is low, and its adaptability to environmental change is weak. 2. The differences of genetic diversity between intra- and inter-populations are great, and the major variation distributes within the population (DNA diversity is 85.1%). 3. The excessive lumbering, man-made destruction, violent typhoon, edible value of the seeds and genetic drift were the main reasons for the low-level genetic diversity of C. mannii and its endangered position. 4. The difference of the micro-environment and other random factors affecting the population should also be taken into full consideration in the study and in protection of such occasionally scattered plants. 5. Enforced measures should be taken to protect the present population, enlarge the population and lower the loss rate of its gene. Mt. Limulin should be chosen as a conservative spot because of its high genetic diversity and less destruction of the forest. Meanwhile, the protection of other populations should be enforced. 6. The differences within and between the populations are great based on different primers used. The change of proportions in polymorphic loci between the populations is more than that between the primers.