Near the HMW-glutenin gene of wheat (Triticum aestivum), there is a locus (temporarily named TaXa) encoding LRR-receptor-like protein kinase, which is homologous to disease resistance protein Xa21 of rice (Oryza sativa) . Through RT-PCR approach, a cDNA clone of ZS2002 was isolated from the orthologous locus of TaXa in Triticum turgidum. ZS2002 was 3 081 bp long and encoding a peptide composed of 1 026 amino acid. The protein included N-terminal conserved sequence, LRR domains, a transmembrane region and a serine/threonine protein kinase domain. ZS2002 was expressed in root, stem, leaf and spike. The transcribing in seedling leaves was significantly enhanced by Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici. TaXa gene might play a role in powdery mildew resistance reaction in Triticum.
为了解目前普通小麦育成品种(系)间醇溶蛋白的遗传多样性,利用酸性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(Acidpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,A-PAGE)技术对国内99份小麦新品种(系)进行了醇溶蛋白分析。结果表明,供试材料中共分离出蛋白带2 192条,迁移率不同的谱带类型106种,其中迁移率编号为9和11的2种谱带出现频率最高,均为82.11%;有38条谱带的出现频率低于10%,这些低频率谱带仅出现在极少数的材料中;其余66条谱带出现频率为10.53%~64.21%,具有较高的多态性。每个被检测材料可电泳分离出15~30条带,其中大部分为18~24条。供试材料间遗传距离(Genetic distance,GD)为0.07~0.73,平均为0.59,遗传变异较大。聚类分析可将其分为4大类。与过去的小麦品种醇溶蛋白研究结果相比,新品种(系)的平均遗传距离缩小,遗传基础变窄。