In 1989-1991, a large-sized complex of buildings was excavated northeast of Xiaotunvillage, Anyang, Henan. It consists of three rows of houses, of which two extend from west to east inthe north and south respectively, and the other is in the west and links up with the former two. In planthe whole complex is laid out in the shape of the character “凹” with the east bordering on the HuanshuiRiver. The northern row is the main buildings, measuring 62m in length and 7.5m in width. The post-holesare neatly arranged, and mostly contain base-stones in the lower part. To the south of thehouse-foundations are the remains of three gate-ways in a good condition, which are separated by a spaceof about 4.3m between each two and measure 2m in width each. The paths are compactly paved withpebbles along both sides, and the gates are all flanked by sacrificial pits containing human victims andtheir heads chopped off, as well as broken pottery. A bronze he tripod was discovered to the west of themiddle gate, in a damaged pottery jar. It bears the inscription “武父乙”, which together with the features of the pottery indicates that the buildings were made in the early Wu Ding reign. The discovery of the buildings is of great importance. It expanded the recorded scope of the YinRuin palace area southward by 130 meters.