The flotabilities of chalcopyrite and galena with sodium humate(HA) and ammonium persulfate(APS) as the depressant were studied by flotation test, adsorption measurement and infrared spectroscopic analysis. Single mineral flotation test shows that the slurry oxidation environment and the proper oxidation of galena surface are prerequisites for the depression of galena by sodium humate. The closed-circuit flotation test of copper/lead bulk concentrate shows that the grade and recovery of Cu reach 30.47% and 89.16% respectively and those of Pb reach 2.06% and1.58% respectively in copper concentrate, and the grade and recovery of Pb reach 50.34% and 98.42% and those of Cu reach 1.45% and 10.84% respectively in lead concentrate with HA and APS. The selective depression effect of HA and APS is more obvious than that of potassium dichromate. The results of FTIR analysis and adsorption measurements indicate that the adsorption of sodium humate on the fresh surface of galena is negligible, while after oxidation, sodium humate can be chemically adsorbed on the surface of galena. According to the theory of solubility product, the sodium humate can display the oxidation product PbSO_4, after then, adsorb on the surface of lead chemically to produce inhibitory effect. Thus, it can be seen that the combination of HA and APS is an efficient non-toxic reagent to achieve cleaning separation copper/lead bulk concentrate by flotation. The combination of HA and APS is an efficient non-toxic reagent to achieve cleaning for copper/lead bulk concentrate by flotation.