A novel method,bath smelting process,was developed to treat molybdenite concentrate aiming at the existing problems of traditional process.To understand the dissolving behavior of MoS2 in white matte,the binary phase diagram of Cu2S-Mo2S was measured by the cooling curve method.The result shows that this system is a simple binary eutectic with a eutectic temperature of(1117.0±3.0)℃ and a eutectic composition of(1.70±0.20)% MoS2 in mass fraction.When the MoS2 addition exceeds 4.48%,MoS2 and Cu2S can form the ternary compound containing CuMo2S3 or Cu2Mo6S8.In the temperature range of copper smelting,1200-1300℃,molybdenite can dissolve in the cuprous sulfide.At 1200℃,the solubility of molybdenite can reach 14.8%.