为探索曲靖烟区调拨烟叶含梗率情况,为曲靖卷烟厂烟叶原料采购调拨、精细化加工使用提供参考依据,试验通过对曲靖产区2022年~2024年调拨烟叶含梗率进行测定分析,对比研究其差异性。研究表明,曲靖产区不同部位烟叶含梗率总体呈现偏高的特征,含梗率上部叶最低,中部叶居中,下部叶最高,不同部位烟叶含梗率差异显著,烟叶含梗率数据中部叶最集中稳定,离散程度最小,上部叶居中,下部叶最大。本试验选用的六个烤烟品种烟叶含梗率存在一定差异,云烟97含梗率最高,平均为35.1%,显著高于其他五个品种;云烟105和红花大金元品种含梗率较低,显著低于其余四个品种。不同年份烟叶含梗率比较接近,年度间波动较小。不同县市区烟叶含梗率存在一定差异,麒麟区、陆良县烟叶含梗率相对较低,马龙区、富源县的烟叶含梗率相对较高。In order to explore the situation of the percentage of stems of the tobacco transferred from Qujing Tobacco District, and to provide a reference basis for the purchase and transfer of tobacco raw materials and the use of refined processing in Qujing Cigarette Factory, the test was conducted by measuring and analyzing the percentage of stems in tobacco leaves transferred from 2022 to 2024 in Qujing production area, and comparing and studying its differences. The study shows that the percentage of stems in different parts of the tobacco leaves in Qujing production area is generally high. The percentage of stems in the upper leaves is the lowest, the middle leaves are in the middle, and the lower leaves are the highest. The differences in the percentage of stems in different parts of the tobacco leaves are significant, and the data of percentage of stems in the central leaves are the most centralized and stable, with the smallest degree of dispersion, the upper leaves are in the middle, and the lower leaves are the largest. The six varieties of cigarettes selected for this expe