我国物流业的稳定持续增长,萌生出井喷式的创新创业需求。创新创业人才是推动物流业高质量发展的核心力量,然而目前物流管理专业教育与创新创业素质教育融合存在学生“想学习而动机不足”、教师“想教授而深度不够”两个方面的困境。本文提出深化物流管理专创融合认知、修订专创融合人才培养方案、重建物流管理专创融合课程体系、组建专创融合教学团队、搭建专创融合实践平台为一体的融合路径。The stable and sustained growth of China’s logistics industry has sparked a surge in demand for innovation and entrepreneurship. Innovative and entrepreneurial talents are the core force driving the high-quality development of industries. However, currently, the integration of logistics management professional education and innovation and entrepreneurship quality education has two shortcomings: students lack motivation to learn and teachers lack depth to teach. This article proposes a fusion path that integrates deepening the understanding of the integration of logistics management and innovation, revising the talent training plan for the integration of innovation and innovation, rebuilding the curriculum system for the integration of logistics management and innovation, establishing a teaching team for the integration of innovation and innovation, and building a practical platform for the integration of innovation and innovation.