针对当前低慢小目标防御系统缺乏顶层设计规划的问题,基于美国国防部体系结构框架(Department of Defense Architecture Framework,DoDAF),构建了低慢小目标防御系统体系结构框架。在分析低慢小目标防御系统体系结构的核心要素的基础上,重点研究了作战视图和系统视图的设计过程,并对低慢小目标防御系统体系结构框架中关键视图产品进行了设计。该设计成果可为低慢小目标防御系统的研制和集成应用提供指导。
“指挥信息系统工程”课程是指挥信息系统工程专业的核心课程。针对“指挥信息系统工程”课程中存在缺少思政教学设计、相关知识体系和教学资源待更新完善、教学效果不够好等问题,分析了“指挥信息系统工程”课程思政的实施路径,从“指挥信息系统工程”课程教学体系改革研究、课程思政的解决途径、基于“互联网+”的教学目标评价方法研究、课程思政教学资源四个方面探索了“指挥信息系统工程”课程思政建设路径,为提高“指挥信息系统工程”课程的建设质量和教学效果提供可行解决途径。The course of “Command Information System Engineering” is the core course for the major of command information systems engineering. In view of the problems in the course of “Command Information System Engineering”, such as the lack of ideological and political teaching design, the need to update and perfect the relevant knowledge system and teaching resources, and the insufficient teaching effect, this paper analyzes the implementation path of the course of “Command Information System Engineering”, and probes into the ideological and political construction path of the course of “Command Information System Engineering” from four aspects: the reform of the teaching system of “Command Information System Engineering”, the ways to solve the ideological and political problems of the course, the evaluation method of teaching objectives based on “Internet+”, and the teaching resources of the course ideological and political problems. It provides a feasible solution for improving the construction quality and teaching effect of the course of “Command Information System Engineering”.