Two soft scales, Kilifia deltoides De Lotto, 1965 and K. americana Ben-Dov, 1979 are recorded from Hainan, China for the first time. Detailed descriptions and illustrations of adult females are given. A key to the Chinese species of adult females is provided. The specimens examined are deposited in the Entomological Museum of Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China (NWAFU).
The genus Ericeroides Danzig, 1990 and one species E. zaitzevi Danzig, 1990 of Coccidae are recorded for the first time from Yunnan, China. The new recorded genus is close to Ericerus Gu6rin-M6neville, with both having numerous stigmatic spines and claw denticles, but it can be distigusihed by lacking dorsal tubular ducts and preopercular pores. Detailed descriptions and illustrations of adult female are given in this paper.