The Eocene Kuldana Formation(KF)in the Yadgar area of Pakistan,comprises a diverse range of sedimentary facies,including variegated red beds of shales,mudstones,and sandstones,as well as interbedded limestone and marl.In this study,we conducted an integrated micropaleontological,sedimentological,mineralogical,and geochemical investigation to determine the depositional setting,biochronology,provenance,and paleoclimate of the KF.The study identified six lithofacies and six microfacies,which indicate a variety of environments ranging from floodplains and channels to the margins and shallow marine settings.The nannofossil biostratigraphy places the KF in the Early Eocene,more precisely the NP10 zone(Ypresian),and the fossil zone of benthic foraminifera classifies the study section as the Shallow Benthic Zone SBZ-8(Middle Ilerdian 2).In terms of petrography,the KF sandstone was classified as litharenite and feldspathic litharenite,while the QtFL diagram suggests a recycled orogen.Geochemical proxies indicate an oxidizing environment,a high-to-low regular sedimentation rate,moderate-to-intense chemical weathering in the source region,and a warm-humid to dry climate during the deposition of KF.Overall,the findings suggest that the deposition of KF marks the end of Neo-Tethys due to the Early Eocene Indian–Kohistan collision and that the uplifting of the Himalayas provided the source for the deposition of KF in the foreland basin.The study provides new insights into the depositional environment,biochronology,provenance,and paleoclimate of KF,and highlights the potential for red beds as reliable indicators of oxygenation levels in proximity to mineral deposits.
The global Hangenberg Crisis or Hangenberg Extinction is a mass extinction near the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary.Comprehensive research of petrology and geochemistry on the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary,as exposed in the Nanbiancun auxiliary stratotype section,South China,elucidates paleoenvironmental changes and controls on marine strontium(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)and carbonate carbon(δ^(13)C_(carb))isotopes during the Hangenberg Crisis.The new^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr data reveal a regression in the Middle Siphonodella praesulcata Zone,while the Hangenberg Extinction was occurring in South China.Moreover,theδ^(13)C_(carb)data records a negative excursion near the base of the Middle Siphonodella praesulcata Zone that may have been connected with the Hangenberg Extinction.A positiveδ^(13)C_(carb)excursion,corresponding with the Upper Siphonodella praesulcata Zone,may reflect the effects of a vigorous biological pump.The magnitude of the Hangenberg Carbon Isotopic Excursion in peakδ^(13)carb values andδ^(13)C_(carb)gradient in carbonate Devonian-Carboniferous boundary sections of the South China Craton during the Hangenberg Crisis,are a function of depositional water depth and distance from the shore.The carbon cycling during the Hangenberg Carbon Isotopic Excursion had a much stronger impact on oceanic surface waters than on the deep ocean and theδ^(13)C_(carb)gradient of local seawater was likely caused by enhanced marine productivity,associated with biological recovery in platform sediments during the Hangenberg Crisis.
DENG FaliangLIU XijunYU HongxiaYAO YeZHANG ZhiguoWEI WeilieLI Rui
Sedimentary sequences preserve the records of changes in major controls of sedimentation namely,tectonics,climate,relative sea level and sediment production and preservation.The potential to characterize these changes in spatial and temporal scales has led to the development of the branch of chemostratigraphy.Chemostratigraphic study of sedimentary sequences commenced from recognizing identical/contrasting geochemical features across major geochronological boundaries,and evolved into one of the essential tools in exploration,characterization,and well development strategies.Chemostratigraphy incorporates applications on continuous,real-time geochemical mapping and direction of lateral drilling,and machine learning,among others.As the sedimentary systems operate on a variety of temporal scales that range from few hours(tidal cycles)to few tens of millions of years,within which many perturbations such as catastrophic and diagenetic events take place,that lead to unique geochemical signature which can be correlated at appropriate spatial and temporal scales.The application of chemostratigraphic technique in hydrocarbon exploration and reservoir characterization has gained momentum in recent years,particularly with the advent of developments in analytical instrumentation.This has also led to the integration of a variety of data from field sedimentary structures,mineralogy,major,trace and isotopic chemical compositions of whole rock,selected components of rocks,organic and inorganic components of oil and gas,etc.,for reservoir characterization more accurately than ever.The geochemical fingerprinting of oil and gas reservoir components plays a major role in the identification of source rocks,discrimination of oil families,characterization of reservoir,source,and seal segments in petroleum systems.Future trends indicate the relevance and growing applications of machine learning techniques,artificial intelligence in real-time assessment,monitoring and planning of hydrocarbon exploration and production.
Shallow-platform settings with marked differences in paleoplatform bottom physiography influence the degree of connection with oceanic waters and overall circulation patterns,even when sharing the same palaeoclimatic conditions.Two Kimmeridgian shallow-marine settings have been explored to test the sensitivity and reliability of carbonate chemostratigraphy to detect such differences.An integrated overview of the obtained elemental trends depicted four major facies,shared along specific stratigraphic intervals of both depositional records.Diagenesis obliterated original geochemical signals only throughout the siliciclastics-rich interval,corresponding to the most landward setting.For the remaining facies,elemental features could be attributed to the differential action of forcing mechanisms operating along the south-Iberian paleomargin during Kimmeridgian times.The highest degree of continental influence can be recognized by a strong relationship between Fe and Mn for the most proximal setting,which fades out along the mixed carbonate-fine siliciclastic rhythmic deposition in more open settings.A characteristic geochemical signature of progressively more positiveδ^(13)C values and significantly higher Sr content is identified for the interval dominated by biogenic sponge buildups.Such a local response is related to local forcing by upwelling in the surroundings of a coral fringe.The geochemical signature of a hydrothermal origin can be clearly differentiated from the influence of mere terrigenous pulses.Accordingly,the decoupling of Fe and Mn along marginal settings is the clue to detecting major events of palaeogeographic restructuring.Observed temporal variations in Mg content along both studied sections are attributed to tectonic activity influencing nearshore/coastal water masses.By integrating chemostratigraphic information and complementary evidence,the palaeoenvironmental mechanisms promoting differentiated sedimentary records along ancient subtropical,shallow,coastal settings can be disentangled.