搜索到28023篇“ PROXIMITY“的相关文章
Progress of Proximity Sensors for Potential Applications in Electronic Skins
Recently,electronic skins and fl exible wearable devices have been developed for widespread applications in medical monitoring,artifi cial intelligence,human–machine interaction,and artifi cial prosthetics.Flexible proximity sensors can accurately perceive external objects without contact,introducing a new way to achieve an ultrasensitive perception of objects.This article reviews the progress of fl exible capacitive proximity sensors,fl exible triboelectric proximity sensors,and fl exible gate-enhanced proximity sensors,focusing on their applications in the electronic skin fi eld.Herein,their working mechanism,materials,preparation methods,and research progress are discussed in detail.Finally,we summarize the future challenges in developing fl exible proximity sensors.
Runnan ZouYanhong TongJiayi LiuJing SunDa XianQingxin Tang
Numerical investigation on compressible flow around a cylinder in proximity to the heated wall
In this study,direct numerical simulations were conducted to investigate the compressible flow around a circular cylinder near a heated wall at a Reynolds number(Re)of 500 and a Mach number(Ma)of 0.4.The heating ratio T^(*)ranging from 1.0 to 1.6 represents the different situations of a heated wall,whereas the gap ratio ranges from 0.3 to 1.0.This study analyzed the impact of heating effect and wall proximity on flow characteristics and aerodynamic forces.The results indicated that the stability of the flow was enhanced as the gap ratio decreased or the heating ratio increased.Through the calculation of enstrophy,it was found that the strength of shedding vortices weakens with a decrease in gap ratio or an increase in heating ratio.Furthermore,the mean drag coefficient decreases as the heating ratio increases or the gap ratio decreases.In contrast,the mean lift coefficient initially decreases and then increases as the gap ratio decreases.Finally,the drag reduction mechanism was analyzed by examining the pressure distribution on the surface of the cylinder.
Yu-lu LiuJun-wang QuYi-zhou TaoYong-guang LyuXiang Qiu
Analytic optimal pose tracking control in close-range proximity operations with a non-cooperative target
This paper investigates an analytical optimal pose tracking control problem for chaser spacecraft during the close-range proximity operations with a non-cooperative space target subject to attitude tumbling and unknown orbital maneuvering.Firstly,the relative translational motion between the orbital target and the chaser spacecraft is described in the Line-of-Sight(LOS)coordinate frame along with attitude quaternion dynamics.Then,based on the coupled 6-Degree of Freedom(DOF)pose dynamic model,an analytical optimal control action consisting of constrained optimal control value,application time and its duration are proposed via exploring the iterative sequential action control algorithm.Meanwhile,the global closed-loop asymptotic stability of the proposed predictive control action is presented and discussed.Compared with traditional proximity control schemes,the highlighting advantages are that the application time and duration of the devised controller is applied discretely in light of the influence of the instantaneous pose configuration on the pose tracking performance with less energy consumptions rather than at each sample time.Finally,three groups of illustrative examples are organized to validate the effectiveness of the proposed analytical optimal pose tracking control scheme.
Caisheng WEIGuanhua HUANGZeyang YINQifeng CHEN
A biocompatible Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons(HWE)reaction triggered by a bioorthogonal proximity-induced platform
Here,we present a novel bioorthogonal platform that enables precise positioning of attached moieties in close proximity,thereby facilitating the discovery and optimization of biocompatible reactions.Using this platform,we achieve a Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons(HWE)reaction under physiological conditions,generating a fluorophore in situ with a yield of up to 93%.This proximity platform should facilitate the discovery of various types of biocompatible reactions,making it a versatile tool for biomedical applica-tions.
Yayue WangHaojie YangJie LiQiao KongSiming ZhouHongbao SunLili PanQiyong GongPing FengHaoxing Wu
Molecular Mechanisms of Intracellular Delivery of Nanoparticles Monitored by an Enzyme‑Induced Proximity Labeling
Achieving increasingly finely targeted drug delivery to organs,tissues,cells,and even to intracellular biomacromolecules is one of the core goals of nanomedicines.As the delivery destination is refined to cellular and subcellular targets,it is essential to explore the delivery of nanomedicines at the molecular level.However,due to the lack of technical methods,the molecular mechanism of the intracellular delivery of nanomedicines remains unclear to date.Here,we develop an enzyme-induced proximity labeling technology in nanoparticles(nano-EPL)for the real-time monitoring of proteins that interact with intracellular nanomedicines.Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)nanoparticles coupled with horseradish peroxidase(HRP)were fabricated as a model(HRP(+)-PNPs)to evaluate the molecular mechanism of nano delivery in macrophages.By adding the labeling probe biotin-phenol and the catalytic substrate H_(2)O_(2)at different time points in cellular delivery,nano-EPL technology was validated for the real-time in situ labeling of proteins interacting with nanoparticles.Nano-EPL achieves the dynamic molecular profiling of 740 proteins to map the intracellular delivery of HRP(+)-PNPs in macrophages over time.Based on dynamic clustering analysis of these proteins,we further discovered that different organelles,including endosomes,lysosomes,the endoplasmic reticulum,and the Golgi apparatus,are involved in delivery with distinct participation timelines.More importantly,the engagement of these organelles differentially affects the drug delivery efficiency,reflecting the spatial–temporal heterogeneity of nano delivery in cells.In summary,these findings highlight a significant methodological advance toward understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in the intracellular delivery of nanomedicines.
Junji RenZibin ZhangShuo GengYuxi ChengHuize HanZhipu FanWenbing DaiHua ZhangXueqing WangQiang ZhangBing He
The Ti-TAN plasmid toolbox for TurboID-based proximity labeling assays in Nicotiana benthamiana
Protein-protein interactions and the formation of protein complexes play a central role in the regulation of virtually all aspects of life.The identification and characterization of interactions between proteins is the basis of our understanding of protein function and the biological processes they enable.
Huang TanYu ZhouErik DiniusRosa Lozano-Durán
Investigating the impact of the universal function of the nuclear proximity potential in heavy-ion fusion cross sections
The fusion barriers and cross sections of 15 colliding systems with 320≤Z_(1)Z_(2)≤1512 are investigated in detail to understand the influence of the universal function of proximity potential formalism in the heavy-ion fusion mechanism.To realize this goal,we select three versions of the phenomenological proximity potentials,including Prox.77,Zhang 2013,and Guo 2013,to calculate the nucleus-nucleus potential.The experimental fusion cross sections for the selected reactions are analyzed using the standard coupled-channel calculations,including couplings to the low-lying 2^(+)and 3^(-)states in the target and projectile.The calculated results show that the universal functions of the Guo 2013 and Prox.77 models provide the lowest and highest fusion barriers,respectively.In addition,it is found that the height of the fusion barriers is enhanced by increasing the mass number of the projectile from light to heavy ones.The highest sensitivity to the mass number of the projectile belongs to the results of Prox.77.A discussion is also presented on the influence of the universal function on the radial behavior of the interaction potential in the allowed region for overlapping configurations.Our results reveal that the best fit to the experimental data of the fusion cross sections for the reactions involving light and medium nuclei is obtained using the universal function of the Zhang 2013 model.For the heavier systems,the results of the Guo 2013 model at sub-barrier energies provide a good description of the available data.
R GharaeiE Sarvari
细胞-细胞相互作用(cell-cell interactions,CCIs)可以通过细胞表面蛋白质、聚糖、脂质等介导的细胞间突触形成而发生,以维持机体稳态和调控生理功能。这些CCIs是复杂的,涉及许多不同的细胞表面和细胞内分子的参与。随着基础研究和转化医学的不断发展,如何准确识别细胞间相互作用并对其进行表征和定量,引起了广泛关注。近年来,研究CCIs的技术手段不断推陈出新,而邻近标记是一种十分有前景的研究细胞间相互作用的化学生物学方法。目前,主要有两种类型的标记策略。一种是依赖基因工程操作,在“诱饵”细胞表面表达外源酶,通过其与相邻细胞上的受体底物的直接结合,以便发生细胞间邻近标记。另一种是使用酶或小分子催化剂(例如光催化剂),通过基因工程重组表达或借助化学(化学酶)方法将它们偶联在“诱饵”细胞表面,在适当的刺激或激活后,靶向递送感兴趣的标记分子,实现邻近标记。其中,酶介导的邻近细胞标记方法在检测和表征CCIs上具有重要的应用价值。该综述将标记过程中涉及有酶参与的方法定义为酶介导的邻近细胞标记方法,这种方法的一个明显优势是,由于酶和受体底物之间直接的物理接触或酶催化产生高反应活性标记分子而实现小的标记半径范围。该综述旨在归纳与总结近年来开发的酶介导的邻近细胞标记方法的原理、优缺点及现有应用。


研究主题:IEEE802 负载均衡 服务器选择 可扩展 开销
研究主题:汉语科技词系统 黄瓜 主题模型 数据挖掘 基因
研究主题:集成电路 布线 VLSI 供电网络 物理设计
研究主题:网络距离 监测系统 物联网 移动位置服务 IP地址
研究主题:分泌蛋白 多肽药物 移植排斥 趋化活性 过敏疾病