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作品数:15 被引量:219H指数:7


  • 15篇中文期刊文章


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  • 2篇自动化与计算...
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  • 4篇遥感
  • 3篇地表
  • 3篇土壤
  • 2篇地表通量
  • 2篇热辐射方向性
  • 2篇辐射温度
  • 2篇BALANC...
  • 1篇地表温度
  • 1篇地理信息
  • 1篇地理信息系统
  • 1篇定量遥感
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  • 1篇蒸散
  • 1篇蒸腾
  • 1篇蒸腾量
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  • 1篇生态灾害
  • 1篇湿润指数
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15 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Study of a model for correcting the effects of horizontal advection on surface fluxes measurement based on remote sensing
As well known, the methods of remote sensing and Bowen Ratio for retrieving surface flux are based on energy balance closure; however, in most cases, surface energy observed in experiment is lack of closure. There are two main causes for this: one is from the errors of the observation devices and the differences of their observational scale; the other lies in the effect of horizontal advection on the surface flux measurement. Therefore, it is very important to estimate the effects of horizontal advection quantitatively. Based on the local advection theory and the surface experiment, a model has been proposed for correcting the effect of horizontal advection on surface flux measurement, in which the relationship between the fetch of the measurement and pixel size for remote sensed data was considered. By means of numerical simulations, the sensitivities of the main parameters in the model and the scaling problems of horizontal advection were analyzed. At last, by using the observational data acquired in agricultural field with relatively homogeneous surface, the model was validated.
TIAN Jing, ZHANG Renhua, SUN Xiaomin, ZHU Zhilin & ZHOU Yanlian Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
On the applicability of Kirchoff's law and the principle of heat balance in thermal infrared remote sensing:A non-isothermal system被引量:4
This paper proposes a basic equation of thermal radiation interaction between surface objects on the basis of the principle of heat balance in the interface. The solution of this equation takes account of the contribution of sensible heat flux and latent heat flux more completely, compared with traditional solution for surface cooling and heating processes. By the aid of the experimental data conducted in the Xiaotangshan experimental site, Beijing, both the non-applicability of Kirchoff's law and the measurability of surface emissivity in a non-isothermal system have been highlighted. Two methods called ventilation and time-delay compensations have been proposed to reduce the error induced by change of surface temperatures of non-isothermal objects during the measurement of emissivity. Based on the solution of the basic equation, this paper has analyzed and pointed out the misunderstanding in comprehension and application of Kirchoff's law published in literature.
ZHANG RenhuaLI ZhaoliangSUN XiaominZHU ZhilinWANG Weimin
首先综合回顾了目前采用的地表通量遥感方法和途径,分析了现有遥感思路中不能摆脱非遥感参数的现实和困扰,在实践的基础上,建立了以微分热惯量为基础的地表蒸发全遥感信息模型,其思路的关键是以微分热惯量提取土壤水分可供率而独立于土壤质地、类型等局地参数;以土壤水分可供率推算波文比而摆脱气温、风速等非遥感参数,并以净辐射通量和表观热惯量对土壤热通量进行参数化.实现了以全遥感信息反演裸地蒸发(潜热通量)的目标.应用接近最高和最低地表温度出现时刻的两幅NOAA-AVHRR 5个波段的影像图和地面同步观测数据,作出了我国西北沙坡头地区的土壤蒸发的区域分布影像图.同时以同步观测的地表蒸发值对影像图对应点的输出值进行了对比,验证了本思路和模型的可行性,并且讨论了本模型扩展到浓密植被区所能造成的误差和进一步改进途径.
The retrieval of two-dimensional distribution of the earth's surface aerodynamic roughness using SAR image and TM thermal infrared image被引量:3
After having analyzed the requirement on the aerodynamic earth’s surface rough- ness in two-dimensional distribution in the research field of interaction between land surface and atmosphere, this paper presents a new way to calculate the aerodynamic roughness using the earth’s surface geometric roughness retrieved from SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) and TM thermal infrared image data. On the one hand, the SPM (Small Perturbation Model) was used as a theoretical SAR backscattering model to describe the relationship between the SAR back- scattering coefficient and the earth’s surface geometric roughness and its dielectric constant re- trieved from the physical model between the soil thermal inertia and the soil surface moisture with the simultaneous TM thermal infrared image data and the ground microclimate data. On the basis of the SAR image matching with the TM image, the non-volume scattering surface geo- metric information was obtained from the SPM model at the TM image pixel scale, and the ground pixel surface’s equivalent geometric roughness—height standard RMS (Root Mean Square) was achieved from the geometric information by the transformation of the typical to- pographic factors. The vegetation (wheat, tree) height retrieved from spectrum model was also transferred into its equivalent geometric roughness. A completely two-dimensional distribution map of the equivalent geometric roughness over the experimental area was produced by the data mosaic technique. On the other hand, according to the atmospheric eddy currents theory, the aerodynamic surface roughness was iterated out with the atmosphere stability correction method using the wind and the temperature profiles data measured at several typical fields such as bare soil field and vegetation field. After having analyzed the effect of surface equivalent geo- metric roughness together with dynamic and thermodynamic factors on the aerodynamic surface roughness within the working area, this paper first establishes a scale transformation model to calc
ZHANG Renhua 1 ,WANG Jinfeng 1 ,ZHU Caiying 1,2 ,SUN Xiaomin 1 & ZHU Zhilin 1 1.Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China
Determination of regional distribution of crop transpiration and soil water use efficiency using quantitative remote sensing data through inversion被引量:4
A two-layer model used to get the estimated values of crop transpiration by inversion using remote sensing data, which has been proved effective at some agricultural-ecological sta-tions, is first discussed. An important part of it is the temperature separation model (in which thesurface temperature in a mixed pixel is separated into soil surface temperature and crop canopysurface temperature) on the basis of bi-temporal radiometric temperature in a mixed pixel and its thermal inertia. To improve the inversion, the authors put forward some new algorithms, including an algorithm for the estimation of regional emissivities, a static feedback algorithm using surfacetemperature for the extension of air temperature at ecological stations to the region surroundingthem and a spatial extension algorithm for calculating the wind speed 2 m above the ground withsurface roughness and radiometric temperature. Finally, regional distributions of crop transpiration (CT) and soil water use efficiency (SWUE) in North China were calculated pixel by pixel usingNOAA-AVHRR data and surface measurements and calibrations. The results provide a way toassess the effects of various agricultural practices on SWUE by using remote sensing data inNorth China in spring.
排除影响地物热辐射方向性三因子以外的噪声,即消除热红外传感器随着测 量角度的变化所接收到的组分变化所引起的噪声;消除前后测量的时间差里地表热量 平衡变化所引起的噪声,这是多角度遥感测量中的难题,长期以来一直没有得到解决. 提出利用“热像仪-定面积法”和“双传感器-同步法”进行测定.试验结果表明,以前 的几种方法所观测到的数据离散、无规律,而利用本方法获取的数据,呈现出相当有规 律的方向性分布.从而揭示了影响地物目标热辐射方向性的主要因子和它们各自的影 响程度.
张仁华孙晓敏李召良M.P. Stoll苏红波唐新斋
首先讨论了在农业生态站建立的行之有效的、以遥感数据为主体的作物蒸腾二层模型.重点阐明了以多时相辐射温度和热惯量信息为基础的作物地表混合像元(视场)温度的分解模型,在遥感反演过程中提出了一些在模型和算法方面的优化和改进:提出了一个区域比辐射率估算的算法、提出了运用地表温度的静态反馈算法和扩展生态台站的空气温度到区域的算法.并在LUCC分类技术的支持下,提出了以地面粗糙度和辐射温度为参数的地面2m高的气温和风速的空间扩展算法.最后应用 NOAA-AVHRR和地面同步观测及其定标,按像元逐点运算,反演了华北地区农田作物蒸腾和水分利用率的区域分布.揭示了春天华北地区水资源在农业上的利用效率,为采取有效的节水措施提供了科学依据.
讨论热辐射的多次散射对计算辐射平衡的贡献大小,然后尝试引入计算机图形学,对离散植被的四分量进行详尽的剖析,得出了四分量的双向反射分布曲线,对重 叠函数的研究获得新的进展.四分量的数字图像解得到了与中国科学院禹城实验站遥 感模拟实验一致的结果.四分量的数字图像解可方便应用于多角度热红外遥感的温度 反演.
作物常以行结构方式播种,行结构能引起作物垄间光照土壤和垄内阴影土壤间较大的温度差异,且在方位角上可导致明显的正像元组分构成差异,这些差异使行播作物在方位角和天顶角上同时存在热辐射方向性变化.将作物行结构方式当作随机播种方式来处理,显然会使热辐射方向性产生较大的误差.为消除误差,有必要研究行播作物的热辐射方向性规律.用 Monte Carlo方法模拟行播结构参数对作物热辐射方向性的影响,模拟结果表明:垄宽、垄高、垄间距和叶面积指数等参数对热辐射方向性的影响都比较明显,但影响最大的因素是观测方位角.