随着数字技术的发展,作为新形态的数字教材引起广泛关注,是数字时代提升教学质量的重要工具。为了解数字教材的研究现状与趋势,选取中国知网数据库的242篇文献为研究对象,利用CiteSpace软件,对年度发文量、作者、机构与关键词等信息进行可视化分析。结果表明:数字教材研究已进入快速发展阶段,研究学者和机构逐渐增多,但之间的合作并不紧密,需要加强交流;数字教材不仅是一种资源,更能起到促进数字教学改革的作用。通过对数字教材的研究现状进行梳理,可为后续研究、建设与应用提供参考。With the development of digital technology, digital textbooks, as a new form, have attracted wide attention and are an important tool to improve teaching quality in the digital age. In order to understand the research status and trend of digital textbooks, 242 articles from the CNKI database were selected as research objects, and CiteSpace software was used to visually analyze the annual number of publications, authors, institutions, and keywords. The results show that the research on digital textbooks has entered the stage of rapid development, and the number of researchers and institutions has gradually increased, but the cooperation between them is not close, and communication needs to be strengthened. Digital textbooks are not only a resource but also play a role in promoting the reform of digital teaching. The review of the research status of digital textbooks can provide a reference for subsequent research, construction, and application of digital textbooks.