An lnGaP/GaAs HBT microwave power transistor with on-chip parallel RC stabilization network is developed with a standard GaAs MMIC process. From the stability factor K, the device shows unconditional stability in a wide frequency range due to the RC network. The power characteristics of the device as measured by a loadpull system show that the large-signal performance of the power transistor is affected slightly by the RC network. Psat is 30dBm at 5.4GHz,and PldB is larger than 21.6dBm at llGHz. The stability of the device due to RC network is proved by a power combination circuit. This makes the power transistor very suitable for applications in microwavc high power ttBT amplifiers.
A 4-12GHz wideband power amplifier,using a balanced configuration with a strip line Lange coupler, is designed and fabricated. This power amplifier shows a maximum continuous wave output power of 29.5dBm at 8GHz center frequency with an associated gain of 8.5dB and a gain flatness of + /- 0.6dB in the 4-12GHz frequency range.