As a cross-lingual, cross-cultural, cross-time-and-space communication, religious translation has inevitably been stamped, from the very beginning, with the brand of ideology and has, more or less, been restrained by political factors there and then. The translated version, very often, cannot truly mirror the essence of the source text mainly because translation is manipulated by the power discourse in the target culture.
哈利波特小说自出版之日起,13年畅销不衰。从翻译的角度无法确定这三种魔咒翻译策略哪种更好,但从目的论的角度看,四字意译法更适于小说文本读者,简洁明了,通俗易懂;音义兼译法更适合于读过原著的观众,观影效果上较前者更便于理解;而纯音译法,尽管会损害意思的表达,在特殊语境下确实达到了使情节更为清晰准确的效果。而这恰恰印证了弗米尔那句"the end justifies the means"[1]P29(目的决定手段)。