supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 11202078)Local buckling load and overall buckling load of stiffened composite fuselage panel were analyzed by both FEM and engineering method. In engineering method,local buckling of the stiffened panel was simplied as plate supported on four sides,and overall buckling was considered as the transverse shear effects. Eigenvalue analysis method was used for local buckling of stiffened panel,and non-linear arc-length method was used for overall buckling of stiffened panel in finite element method. The results of two methods are consistent.针对复合材料机身壁板结构局部失稳和总体失稳,分别运用工程计算方法和有限元方法进行计算。工程方法计算局部失稳把结构简化为四边简支板的失稳,总体失稳把结构简化为考虑横向剪切的欧拉失稳;有限元法运用特征值分析法计算加筋板局部失稳,运用非线性弧长法计算加筋板的总体失稳。最后,两种方法得到的结果一致。