加强市县级农业气象业务信息化与自动化建设,可有效提升直通式农业气象服务水平。本文面向基层气象为农服务需求,依托省级农业气象业务服务平台,构建基于Web-GIS的市县级农业气象业务服务系统。系统首先应用ArcSDE技术,将省级农业气象业务服务平台输出的农业气象监测、灾害诊断和利弊影响分析等数据产品,转换为空间数据库;采用ArcGIS Server for Flex API开发技术,在浏览器端实现对农业气象数据产品的空间分析。通过拓展省级农业气象周年服务方案、农业气象指标库及农业气象灾害防御对策等知识库,构建农业气象知识库在线维护与服务平台。并基于Internet平台,为县级气象为农服务人员,提供基础数据统计分析及省、市、县三级农业气象业务服务产品共享等功能。系统基于B/S结构,便于推广应用,可为基层直通式农业气象服务提供重要技术支撑。
Based on the MOD16 remote sensing product provided by NASA, the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of evapotranspiration in Anhui Province from 2000 to 2014 were analyzed statistically with the support of ENVI remote sensing image processing system and ARCGIS .geographic information system. The results showed that: (1) The annual average ET in Anhui Province was 694.9 mm from 2000 to 2014, less than half of PET, indicating that Anhui Province as a whole was in dry climate and water shortage, particularly significant in 2011-2014, with the maximum value of 730.6 mm occurring in 2003, and the minimum value of 647.6 mm occurring in 2011. The monthly average ET and PET showed a single peak distribution pattern, ET peak appearing in August, and PET peak appearing in May. (2) Linear regression analysis of ET and PET showed that there was a signif- icant decrease trend in ET in Anhui Province from October to March of the following year, and in addition, there was also a decreasing trend in the summer from June to July, but PET for the whole year demonstrated an increasing trend. The change trends of both illustrated that drought in Anhui Province was becoming more and more serious. (3) The spatial distribution of ET and PET showed that Anhui Province had obvious characteristics of high in south and low in north, and the north had large yearly and monthly changes, while the south had relatively stable changes. (4) The evapotranspiration of different land use types showed different an- nual and monthly variation characteristics, and the overall expression of annual evapotranspiration was in the order of forest 〉 grassland 〉 farmland. In terms of the monthly change, monthly evapotranspiration was manifested as winter grassland larger than the forest, forest evapotranspiration gradually exceeding the grass, and the evapotranspiration gap among the three widening continuously until the peak appearing in July or August. Due to the seasonality of crop plantation and under the common action