In cultural translation the loss of cultural images often occurs. In most cases translators do so in order to make the target text understood more easily by the readers of the target language. But the result is worse quite often, because it usually affects correct transmission of the source text as a whole, what's even worse, it will affect the correct grasp of the artistic conception and figures of the source text. And in other cases it is impossible to make source cultural images reappear in the target text. This paper provides some sound examples and reviews of the above.
Instead of 这个短语,人们一般认为是个短语介词,有些语法工具书上也说是介词,但实际上,这个短语的用法很灵活,有时远远超出介词功能的范围。本文拟就其用法归纳如下:一、跟名词。例如:1.I gave him advice instead of money.我给他的是忠告而不是钱。2.I have come instead of my brother.我替我哥哥来的。
1.applaud one to theecho 将某人赞美到回声四起此语源自莎士比亚剧本《麦克白》(Macbeth)第五幕第三场:I wouldapplaud thee to the veryecho,that should applaudagain.(我一定要使太空之中充满着我对你的赞美的回声。)现在这条习语比喻“大声喝彩;掌声雷动”,习语中的applaud有时也可以用cheer来代替。例如: