本文介绍了艺术与设计专业一年级大学生聚焦创业技能和创业能力的跨学科课程《设计基础1》。通过问卷评估和数据分析,评估了该课程对学生创业动机和创业准备的影响,指出结合创业训练,以项目为驱动的跨学科课程群教学模式能够增加学生对变革性思维和创新行为的兴趣,由此有助于学生获得创业能力。This paper introduces the interdisciplinary course “Design Fundamentals 1” for first-year undergraduate students majoring in Art and Design, with a focus on entrepreneurial skills and capabilities. Through questionnaire assessments and data analysis, the course’s impact on students’ entrepreneurial motivation and preparedness is evaluated. The study highlights that integrating entrepreneurial training with project-driven, interdisciplinary course clusters enhances students’ interest in transformative thinking and innovative behavior, thus helping them acquire entrepreneurial abilities.